Monday, 20 July 2009

gud gud!

2 and a half hours of walking and an hour of body conditioning!
1 alpro soya yoghurt with seeds and spoon of protein
one necterine
veg stir fry with half a tin of kidney beans
pereh tea!
out of slim t now tear!
felt very weak tired and cranky all day but watever! meeting up with old friends 2mro havent been out with them b4! had to get out of the meal by sayin I was broke so now wer going 4 just drinks tnk god! I was nearly gna panick cnt sit thru another meal dat soon again!
g2 luk so hot 2mro!
tnx 4 all ur support guys xx


  1. Haven't read Skinny Bitch but since you recommended it, OF COURSE I have to read it now!

    Sounds like a fab day! Have fun with your friends! ;-)

  2. Hi,
    Tks for dropping by.I'm not the affected party.It was an email forwarded to me and I decided to share it because of the mouth-watering recipe.Oh btw, Im a vegetarian too :). Have a great day.
