Wednesday, 22 July 2009

wers all dis going?!

so yday was actually such a gud day! I had so muc fun! I met up with 3 girls on my road we used to be best friends in primary school but just went our seperate ways so we all met up and went to see a dance show and then out for drinks! I drank vodka and diet 7up! I dont punish myself for drinnking vodka bc I feel great when I do and when I drink I stop eating in the evening so Im sure it balances out sumhow! They all wanted cocktails tho and I really didnt they are just sugar like! but we got these vouchers so then I had to order one! so I got an appletini c it luked like da safest bet but then I didnt drink it! any of it! yeh proud! also got a shit load of guys to buy me drinks! amazing! and totally killed it on da dance floor so burned lots of calories Im sure! anyway today I got up early did my arms and my physio exercises walked 20 mins to the bus stop and then walked around town alot and then got off da bus so early so I cud have another walk back! my moms not up for a walk so Im gna go for another one in a bit and finish my exercises then going to my friends and altering dresses with her new sewing machine! very productive teehee!
o btw yesterday I didnt have any seeds but I also had two fecking alpro soya yoghurts! but hey according to skinny bitch u can eat as much stuff as u want as long as its on their healthy list and that is! but Im not gna make a habit of it!
Also no seeds so far today and out of yoghurts so it balances out again but Im gonna eat a whole thing of kidney beans! my friend and I send eachother positive texts everyday bc Im dwn over not dancing and shes having a hard time! neway yday she sent me da best one! "you are prettier and skinnier than all your friends"!
yeh luv it wish I cud bliv in myself more!
so not arsed to do my exercises today! but I will!!!!!!!!! xxxx
love to all u health concious ambitious and determines girls! x


  1. I'm still trying to get my nose in that Skinny Bitch book! I requested it at the library but it's checked out until the end of the month or something.Gah! I want to read it NOW! (Clearly patience is a virtue that I do not have...)

    I'm totally basking in the awesomeness of this post. I'm hoping Pretty, skinny, self-control and free drinks are contagious and Ima catch the awesomeness of it all by reading this post--The Law of Attraction? I'll take a double. haha =)

  2. hahah was defo a gud nite! Im out again 2nite lets see if I can work this new charm haha! altho I think it was partly bc my friends kept going shes single shell sleep with u haha!
    skinny bitch is an amazing read! I actually gave it to my mom so maybe shel understand me a bit more!
